
About Me

I am a second year Chemical Engineering and Data Science graduate student at the University of Washington working with James Carothers. I am interseted in synthetic biology, dynamical systems, and evolutionary algorithms. Outside of work, I enjoy water sports, travelling, taking pictures, and fermenting all sort of foods.



Our ability to engineer biology has dramatically increased over the past fifty years. As we build more complex and sophisticated biosystems, more opportunities to revolutionize the energy, environment, and healthcare sectors arise. I design the molecular tools that'll enable the rational engineering of synthethic, biological, dynamical systems, and use artificial intelligence to assemble them.

SoundBio Lab


A big part of doing research involves communicating your ideas and findings. I enjoy honing my communication skills and making science more accesible to the general public. I'm also passionate about lowering the barriers of entry into STEM, particularly into biology and bioengineering as it can only lead to further innovation. That starts by promoting equity in science education.



Find a curated list of interesting topics, from biotech and AI articles to writing tips and funding opportunities. There's also links to other projects and things I've worked on through the years.



It's good to step out of the office and clear your head; you'll be far more productive. Here's a non-exhaustive list of the things I like to do for fun and that keep me busy outside of the lab.